First Fully Online Jury Trial in the Nation || 570 KLIF Dallas-Fort Worth || 8/13/20

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Quentin Brogdon was interviewed about the first fully online jury trial in the nation, a misdemeanor criminal trial in Austin, Texas. Quentin pointed out that, on the one hand, we need to keep the wheels of justice moving during this pandemic. On the other hand, we need to be careful not to trample on the rights of the parties. Quentin has some concerns about online trials. Online jury pools will not be as diverse as in-person jury pools because not all jurors have access to the computers and broadband internet necessary to participate in online trials. Also, important in-person chemistries are lost in online trials. These include chemistries between lawyers and jurors, chemistries between clients and jurors, chemistries between witnesses and jurors, and chemistries between the jurors, themselves.

Seasoned Dallas Constitutional Expert Quentin Brogdon from Crain Brogdon LLP on Newsradio 570 KLIF broadcasting in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.

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