Being united with people of all color || 1040AM WHO Des Moines, Iowa via Fox News Radio || 8/5/21
How do we talk about the history of racism in this country, but still people come out of that discussion wanting to be united with people of all color? Rob Crain, Attorney at Crain Brogdon LLP and the Co-Founder of Together We Can talked about this today on WHO Radio broadcasting in Des Moines, Iowa via Fox News Radio. Unmute to hear the interview!
Connect with Rob Crain
✔ Together We Can Social Media
➤ https://www.togetherwecan.one
➤ https://projectunity.net
✔ Crain Brogdon LLP Social Media
➤ https://facebook.com/crainbrogdonlaw
➤ https://www.crainbrogdon.com
✔ 1040 WHO Social Media
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