Quentin Brogdon | Crain Brogdon, LLP – Talk Radio KOGO San Diego, Employee rights and political expression | 1/11/22

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Dallas Personal Injury Attorney Quentin Brogdon on Talk Radio KOGO broadcasting in San Diego discussing employee rights and political expression after an American Airlines pilot was seen with a ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ sticker on his luggage.

This story raises great questions about employee rights and political expression. Can bosses dictate what employees can and can’t do on the job? What about after-hours and on their personal social media pages?

Quentin is a Fellow in the invitation-only International Academy of Trial Lawyers, a Fellow in the invitation-only American College of Trial Lawyers, and a Fellow in the invitation-only International Society of Barristers. He handles a wide range of cases including employment law.

Whether you’re living with the pain of a serious injury or under the shadow of a criminal charge, we’re here to help people through life’s most difficult times.

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The Dallas personal injury attorneys at Crain Brogdon LLP are dedicated to helping our clients through their cases. Experienced and aggressive, our attorneys are widely recognized for their talents in the courtroom. We’re ready to put those talents to work for you as you fight to recover compensation for your damages or beat your charges.

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